Rich Naret, P.E.

Rich Naret, P.E., graduated from Penn State with a BS in Civil Engineering in 1977. He is a registered PE in FL (#44443) where he has lived for the past 30 years and in West Virginia (#8888) where he started his career in 1978.

Mr. Naret has worked for a regulatory agency (West Virginia Department of Natural Resources), a consulting engineering firm (Cerrone & Associates) and for the past 30 years has worked for the industry leader in vacuum sewer technology (Airvac). He is the Sr. Technical Manager of Airvac.

Prior to joining Airvac in 1990, Mr. Naret was selected by the US EPA to be the author of the vacuum sewer chapter for their manual "Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems, EPA/625/1-91/024". His selection was based on his experience with vacuum sewer systems from both a regulatory agency and consulting firm perspective. Mr. Naret was again chosen to author the vacuum sewer chapter when the Water Environment Federation determined that an update of the EPA manual was needed.

The manual "Water Environment Federation (2007) Alternative Sewer Systems, 2nd ed:; Manual of Practice No. FD-12" was published early in 2008.

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