Protecting the Water Supply: Backflow and Back-Siphonage Prevention

Course Number: BD-4017
Credit: 4 PDH
Subject Matter Expert: Steven G. Liescheidt, P.E., CSI-CCS
Price: $119.80 Purchase using Reward Tokens. Details
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In Protecting the Water Supply: Backflow and Back-Siphonage Prevention, you'll learn ...

  • How pollution and contaminants can enter the public water supply through backflow or siphonic action
  • Common residential, commercial and industrial backflow contamination sources
  • Backflow and back-siphonage prevention using air gaps, barometric loops, vacuum breakers and various dual check valve backflow preventer devices
  • Field testing techniques for backflow preventers and back-siphonage devices


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Credit: 4 PDH

Length: 53 pages

Plumbing cross-connections, which are defined as actual or potential connections between the public water supply and a source of contamination or pollution, constitute a serious public health hazard. There are numerous, well documented cases where cross-connections have been responsible for contamination of drinking water, and have resulted in the spread of disease. The problem is a dynamic one, because piping systems are continually being installed, altered, or extended. Control of cross-connections is possible, but only through thorough knowledge and vigilance. Education is essential, for even those who are experienced in piping installations fail to recognize cross-connection possibilities and dangers.

In this course the student will learn some of the basic principles of plumbing cross connections. The course provides multiple examples of cross-connection illustrations and provides a discussion of the cause of flow reversal and suggested corrective actions. In addition there is a discussion of the various cross-connection prevention methods and devices that can be used to prevent backflow.

Specific Knowledge or Skill Obtained

This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Public Health Significance Of Cross-Connections
  • Theory of Backflow and Backsiphonage
  • Methods and Devices for the Prevention of Backflow and Backsiphonage
  • Testing Procedures for Backflow Preventers

Certificate of Completion

You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a multiple-choice quiz consisting of 20 questions. PDH credits are not awarded until the course is completed and quiz is passed.

Board Acceptance
This course is applicable to professional engineers in:
Alabama (P.E.) Alaska (P.E.) Arkansas (P.E.)
Delaware (P.E.) District of Columbia (P.E.) Florida (P.E. Area of Practice)
Georgia (P.E.) Idaho (P.E.) Illinois (P.E.)
Illinois (S.E.) Indiana (P.E.) Iowa (P.E.)
Kansas (P.E.) Kentucky (P.E.) Louisiana (P.E.)
Maine (P.E.) Maryland (P.E.) Michigan (P.E.)
Minnesota (P.E.) Mississippi (P.E.) Missouri (P.E.)
Montana (P.E.) Nebraska (P.E.) Nevada (P.E.)
New Hampshire (P.E.) New Jersey (P.E.) New Mexico (P.E.)
New York (P.E.) North Carolina (P.E.) North Dakota (P.E.)
Ohio (P.E. Self-Paced) Oklahoma (P.E.) Oregon (P.E.)
Pennsylvania (P.E.) South Carolina (P.E.) South Dakota (P.E.)
Tennessee (P.E.) Texas (P.E.) Utah (P.E.)
Vermont (P.E.) Virginia (P.E.) West Virginia (P.E.)
Wisconsin (P.E.) Wyoming (P.E.)
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PDHengineer Course Preview

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Credit: 4 PDH

Length: 53 pages

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